Tag Archives: Framework

All About PHP Framework, Its Benefits and Correct Use for Website Development

25 Apr

To eliminate the need of coding large amount of codes manually by developer, framework get introduced which reduce the effort of writing same repetitive code manually and provide architecture which generates the code for predefined functionality automatically. Just like vehicle or in bicycle, there is a still body or frame in which different parts get fit same way framework is a structure where different module of your development can be integrated. Certain frame works have based on MVC which further divides the development process in three separate modules which can be developed individually.

As I said in above paragraph, most of the frame work works based on model control view. When developing large web application when contribution from experts in different skills require, MVC provides separate platform for each expert to finish their work. Thus, parallel execution of web application development can be conducted in which model refers to data which is going to be presented on website, view refers to user interface or visual interface of that data and control refers to operation or functions which is going to perform on data before presenting it to users. Model is the rough data or any information from marketing department and control is the actual functionality which would be implemented by developer.

Working with frame work, certain care is necessary to create error free website. Selecting the frame work, you must check the compatibility of that framework as per your server, version of PHP and MySQL database detail and must choose the one which is compatible and convenient to your . The Framework you select must provide error free robust coding on which you can rely for developing any kind of programming or coding. You also need to check the flexibility and customization it can provide as once you use it in your coding; you have to stick to that framework for future implementation as well.

Zend, CodeIgniter, Symfony, CakePHP and Seagull are some of the popular framework which we have used at our Chicago web development firm. Selecting framework, you need to analyze your requirement carefully along with observing the above discussed point.